Free Online Bible Classes

Here is a list of high-quality Bible training courses available for free online.

I want to highlight one course in particular: Dallas Theological Seminary is offering a free course on 1 & 2 Peter, the two books in our next sermon series.

Take a look at the many other opportunities to sit under some of the finest Bible teachers in the world.

Cedarville University has made all five courses of its Bible minor available for free online. Our own Michael McKay teaches the New Testament literature course:

  • Bible and the Gospel
  • Old Testament Literature
  • New Testament Literature (McKay)
  • Theology I
  • Theology II

Dallas Theological Seminary, offers courses on more than a dozen books of the Bible. In addition to these book studies, DTS also offers several other free online courses on important topics:

  • Can You Trust the Bible?
  • Evangelism
  • How to Read the Bible Like a Seminary Professor
  • Lessons from Biblical Leaders
  • Luther
  • Names and Attributes of God
  • Return of Christ
  • The Life of Christ
  • The Story of Scripture
  • Understanding God’s Covenants
  • What Is Theology?

Denver Seminary offers four free courses:

  • Be Prepared to Give an Answer: Christian Apologetics
  • Finding and Following Your God-Given Calling
  • Unlocking the Parables of Jesus
  • What’s the Bible All About?

Ethnos360 is a missions organization. Michael McKay, our newest elder, and Lee-Ann McKay, our Women’s Ministry Director, were with that organization. They have six free courses:

  • Books of the Bible: Gospel of Mark, Zechariah, Book of Revelation
  • Topical courses: The Grand Narrative of the Bible, The Christian and Contemporary Culture, and Missions lists five seminaries offering free online courses:

  • Reformed Theological Seminary
  • Covenant Theological Seminary
  • Westminster Theological Seminary
  • Masters Theological Seminary
  • Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary offers seven free courses:

  • Interpreting & Teaching the Bible
  • An Overview of the New Testament
  • Work & Worship
  • A Biblical View of Wealth & Poverty
  • Evangelism in the Local Church
  • Christian Theology
  • History of Missions lists more than 150 free online courses. (We won’t list them.)

Although there is no financial cost for these courses, there are other costs.
Any time you enroll in a course, you commit yourself to the time and effort it will take to get the work done: sometimes only watching the instructional videos, but sometimes also buying and reading books, maybe even writing papers.

But the hours you commit to this kind of training will be time well spent as these resources can deepen your understanding of God’s Word and draw you closer to the Savior.

Paul Pyle
Pastor of Discipleship




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