
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me"

Matthew 19:14

Come partner with us as your children learn to glorify God by

Your family can find a place to connect at PPC with events on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.

Sunday Mornings


Your little ones have a place here
with an infant nursery, classrooms for two and three-year-olds,
and a group classroom for four-year-olds up to 5th grade.


During second service our nursery and childcare stay the same for babies and toddlers, while individual classrooms welcome those from Pre-K to 5th grade.

get involved

Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm
Awana Club Meetings are jam-packed with life-changing experiences. The meetings are led by trained leaders and student aides with a love for Jesus and a desire to help young people learn Scripture and the Gospel. Clubbers ages 3-6th grade will have Game Time, Handbook Time & Devotion Time on Wednesdays during the school year.
Special Connections Disability Ministry serves  Mini-Trek-3yrs.-5th Grade/Trek Teens & Adults.
Sundays from 6:00-7:30pm
This exciting ministry teaches children creative worship. Kindergarten-5th grade learn to praise God  in song at PPC.  They join the adult choir for multi-generation Sunday mornings and lead worship in other services. There is no need to register, just come join us! We will be starting back on September 15th at 6pm.

Kidz 101 Class
This class is offered twice a year for any child who has accepted Christ. Children will learn what it means to be a Christian, the importance of the Lord's Supper and Baptism, and what the Church is.  This two-part class is held on two Wednesday evenings from 5-6:30 pm in both March and October.
9:00 and 10:30am
Classes are available for students of every age and ability.

Serving You

David Boucher

Pastor of Family Ministry
David ("Pastor Boo") leads our Children’s Ministry with nearly 20 years of service equipping our families to help their children come into a real relationship with the living God by placing their faith in Jesus Christ.

Tephany Martin

Administrative Assistant
As Pastor Boo’s administrative assistant, Tephany helps organize the moving pieces of the Children's Ministry and communicates the multitude of events to our PPC families. 

Nikki Burke

Elementary Coordinator
Nikki coordinates and schedules our amazing volunteer Sunday School teachers for our Pre-K through 5th graders and provides the materials and resources needed for Sunday School.

Kristy Dill

Nursery Coordinator
Kristy coordinates and schedules our volunteers and ensures our infant through 3-year-old classrooms are supported on Sunday mornings.

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