Serve In PPC

Have a heart for working with children? There are many opportunities for you to serve in our Children's Ministries including Sunday School classes, AWANA, and more.

Want to work with middle school and high school students? Become a youth group leader and help disciple teens on Sunday nights, supervise youth events and missions, and more.

Feel called to use your musical talents for Worship Ministry? Come sing in the choir, play in the orchestra, or be part of our praise band.

Enjoy talking to people? Use your gifts to make everyone feel welcome. Become a coffee server, welcome desk worker, door greeter, bus driver, or usher.

Interested in helping PPC members in a time of need? Volunteer for Strong Hands, a ministry serving church members who need help with yard work and home maintenance.

Want to help make PPC members feel loved and cared for? Helping Hands is a ministry of our deaconesses,
where volunteers can make meals, serve at church functions, and provide care and company for church members in need.
serve in our community

You can help community members in need through prayer and service by becoming a CarePortal responder.
CarePortal connects people who can help (like Patterson Park Church) with people who need help.

We partner with many local Christian organizations, and we encourage our members to get involved in these ministries as well.

If you would like to minister to and pray with those in our local jails and prisons, contact Chris Hill to learn how you can get involved:
serve around the globe