Every year PPC hosts a 5K in August with several hundred people in attendance. The race is an opportunity to share the Gospel message with the racers and their families.
Popcorn Festival
The Beavercreek Popcorn Festival is in September and is a great way for PPC to be a part of a community event and introduce our church to those who may not know about us. We give out balloons and do some interactive games with the kids. We have the opportunity for many great conversations and a chance to share the love of Christ with our neighbors!
Bed Build
PPC partners with Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a local organization, to build dozens of beds for children and families in our community each year.
Community Fall Fest
Our Community Fall Festival at PPC welcomes many families in our community! This annual festival includes “Trunk or Treating”, dinner, and a Gospel message presentation.
OCC Box Collection & Packing Party
For over 20 years, PPC has been a regional collection center for Operation Christmas Child and has hosted a packing party as well. Hundreds of Operation Christmas Child boxes are packed by PPC members each year!
All Church Caroling
Every year in December, we send groups of people from PPC to various nursing/retirement homes and sing Christmas carols and deliver candy canes. This has been a fun way that we as a church can encourage those living in these homes.
Hands Against Hunger
Hands Against Hunger is a meal packing event hosted at Patterson Park Church, created by A Child's Hope International. Teams work in assembly lines of 11 around a table to fill bags with protein-rich, fortified, multi-serving, vegetarian meals. Other volunteers will seal, pack, stack, and move the filled boxes to the semitruck. PPC hosts this event biannually to provide thousands of meals for impoverished families around the globe.