Care &

at PPC


Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 
Matthew 7:7-8

Prayer is ultimately about glorifying God  and developing our relationship with Him. It is a vital Christian discipline that should be incorporated into every area of the believer's life.

Weekly Prayer Opportunities

Prayer before service- Sunday at 8:30am in the conference room

Prayer meeting Wednesdays at 6:30pm via Zoom- click here to join

Dan Sietman, Counselor

Dan has been involved in counseling of some sort for most of his adult life, focusing mostly on marital and premarital issues. He took some formal counseling classes after retiring from the USAF, but began seriously focusing on biblical counseling with the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) and Westminster Theological Seminary in 2013. He served PPC for 18 years as Pastor of Administration and Counseling. His pastoral experience and seminary training has enabled him to walk alongside many people with a wide variety of challenging life situations.
Dan and his wife Bernie have been married since 1976 and have two adult sons and seven grandchildren. He enjoys reading, learning, traveling in their camping trailer, and riding his recumbent trike with his wife.
Education & Training
BS, Engineering Technology, State University Of New York

MS, Program Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
MA, Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary

Certificates in Counseling, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Prepare-Enrich Facilitator for Marriage and Pre-marriage couples

Men Of Peace Facilitator (domestic violence course for men)
Certificate of Completion for Brainspotting Training, Phases 1 and 2

Mandated Reporter Training Certificate
QPR-Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Program  

Tammy Collins, Counselor

Tammy has been providing Biblical counseling at her church since 2018 and has developed the heart of a counselor over the last 25 years. She has served the past 8 years as a hospital chaplain. She has 15 years teaching/coaching experience in the private sector, in VA, OH, and FL. She loves working with all ages: from youth-young adults-older.
Tammy loves to read and is a life-long learner. She and her husband, Ray, have enjoyed motorcycle riding and ministry for 25 years together. They love to travel, and especially to visit their daughter and 2 granddaughters.
Education & Training
B.S., Education/Sports Management, Bowling Green State University, OH.

M.A., Pastoral Counseling, Ashland Theological Seminary, OH.
Clinical Pastoral Education (Chaplaincy), Kettering Health, OH.

Biblical Counseling, ACBC;
Mental Health First Responder, Coffee Cup Counseling, Life Coaching Training, AACC;

Grief & Loss, New Creation Counseling;
Keys To Effective Discipline, Catholic Social Services-John Rosemond.

Character Counts program for school age students
QPR-Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Program  

Katherine Myers, Counselor

Katherine has been counseling with Patterson Park church since 2022.  Previously she was a case manager with the Office of Disability Services at Wright State University.  While there, she worked with students with a variety of disabilities ranging from extremely high functioning autism and learning disabilities to blindness and severe physical disabilities as well as mental health related disabilities.  She has been a widow since 2016.
Katherine and her husband were blessed with a beautiful active son who, at the age of 15 months, started to lose his gross and fine motor control.  By the time he was 18 months old, he could no longer walk and had lost the use of his upper extremities.  The doctors did not think he would live until two and also thought he would not understand or maintain any cognition. By the age of two he could no longer speak. Katherine’s son taught her how to understand an individual who had no audible speech, as well as how to love people with disabilities. He prepared her well for her career in working with individuals with disabilities and their families.  Most important, he taught her how important it is to slow down and listen to the Lord. He passed away in May, 2023, at the age of 44.
Education & Training
Wright State University, BS, Rehabilitation Education

Wright State University, MRC
Various Courses, Christian Counseling Education Foundation

Certified PREPARE/ENRICH Facilitator