In September, 1963, the Patterson Park Christian School (interdenominational) was formed starting with seventeen Kindergarten students. Knowing the future plans and growth of the school, a principal was needed. Rev. John Schumacher was called to serve as assistant pastor and principal of the school. (The name of the school was later changed to the Dayton Christian School, which is now independent of the church, having its own buildings.) Rev. Schumacher remained in this capacity until 1965, when he resigned to become a Chaplain in the United States Army.
In June, 1965, Mr. Byron Jensen became associate pastor and school principal. Following his resignation in 1967, Rev. John Terrell was called to become assistant pastor. In September, 1968, Rev. Casement resigned and Rev. Terrel became pastor. The church called Rev. Dan Grabill to be assistant pastor, February, 1969. He later resigned to become associated with the Dayton branch of the Salvation Army.
In June 1972, Gary Miller was called to be the Director of youth work. He was ordained and took on the role of Minister of Christian Education. In August, 1973, Rev. Terrell resigned as he had accepted another pastorate. Rev. Dale Kurtz became pastor of the church January 1, 1974.
Our church grew in attendance and in outreach ministry, supporting eleven foreign missionaries, and their families, as well as Campus Crusade, the local Youth for Christ, Dayton Christian Schools, Child Evangelism Fellowship, and Grace College and Seminary.
In 1978 the church unanimously adopted a revised constitution, the name was officially changed to The Patterson Park Church, and the congregation was incorporated as an independent Bible church.
Truly we can look back and see how God has really blessed this body of believers so that we can sing from our hearts ----
"Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father, thru Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory, Great things He hath done."