Christian Education

The Beginning of Dayton Christian 

In 1963, Bud Schindler played a pivotal role in establishing Dayton Christian Schools, transforming an idea initiated by the senior pastor of Patterson Park Brethren Church into reality.

The school began out of a conviction that Christian families should have access to Christian education for their children. At the time, there were no available Christian schools in the area. Bud once said, “God said, ‘My son, I want you to go and be a part of a school system.’ And then I began to have to do some research and build my knowledge base of what Christian education was really about.”

The system, which initially included multiple campuses across Greater Dayton, eventually expanded to an enrollment of 2,900 students, making it one of the largest Christian school systems in the country. A portion of the system's growth stemmed from collaborations with smaller Christian schools, such as Troy Christian School and Xenia Christian School (now Legacy Christian), which sought Dayton Christian's support to establish or expand their campuses.

Read all about it!

May 1, 1964

May 5, 1964

August 8, 1964

December 3, 1965

PPC Graduating Kindergarten Class.

May 27, 1964

Pictured below is the program.

April 2, 1971

May 27, 1971

The first graduating class from
Dayton Christian Schools was in 1972. 

Nanette Pyle (not pictured) graduated in '73. 

Paul Pyle graduated in '74.