The Early Years


The History of Patterson Park Brethren Church

Early in 1949, thirty-nine people from the North Riverdale Brethren Church met to consider the possibility of starting a Brethren church in the southern part of the city. Interest was high, so a committee was appointed to look for a church site. Help in this endeavor was promised by Dr. L. L. Grubb, who was the executive secretary of the National Missions Council. On September 6, 1949, assurance was given that the Home Missions Council would assist financially in the establishment of the church. Three lots were purchased shortly after, on the corner of Patterson Road and Shadowlawn Avenue.   
On January 26, 1950, a call was extended to Rev. C. S. Zimmerman to become pastor of the new church. He accepted the call, and the first service was held on Sunday, May 21, 1950, in the home of Ivan and Regina Ashworth. The church outgrew the home, so larger quarters were needed. In September of 1950, services were held in the Belmont elementary school, with a membership of eighteen. The ground-breaking for the educational building was held on Sunday, March 31, 1952.  Eventually Patterson Park Christian Elementary School grew to become Dayton Christian School.  The laying of the cornerstone took place on September 14, 1952. The first service in that building was held June 28, 1953.   
Rev. Zimmerman resigned as pastor in November of 1957. Rev. Nathan Casement became pastor January 1,1958.  (See his family photo and biography in the photos below.) As the workload became greater, Rev. Hugh Campbell was called to become assistant pastor as well as director of youth and the choir. He later resigned to become pastor of a church in Sidney, OH.  

Realizing the educational unit was not conducive to worship and the fact that the congregation was rapidly outgrowing the area, it became necessary to think about adding a sanctuary to the present building. This was done and completed so that the first service in the new sanctuary was held on Easter Sunday, April 2, 1961.  The building was dedicated on Sunday, June 11, 1961.  (See the program in the photos below.)  

Program for Dedication Services of Patterson Park Brethren Park

The Beginnings of Dayton Christian School