
about baptism

Do I have to be baptized in order to become a member? To teach a class?

Yes, incoming members must be baptized, and only members are allowed to teach in classes for adults. 

If a person wishes to be a member but has been baptized by a different mode (e.g., sprinkling or pouring) is that mode of baptism acceptable? 

As long as the individual was baptized as a believer (i.e., having previously placed his or her faith in Christ and understanding the significance of that baptism) baptism in any mode fulfills the baptism requirement for membership. 

 How old does a child have to be to be baptized? 

We do not baptize infants because they are too young to understand the significance of salvation or baptism; however, we provide opportunities at regular intervals for dedication of families where parents may bring children to present them to the Lord. When a child is mature enough to begin the process, our Pastor of Family Ministries provides a class designed to help children understand key concepts (the Gospel, baptism, communion, and the significance of being a follower of Jesus and being a part of the body of Christ, the Church). If the child is able to express his or her faith in Jesus and the parents and the Pastor of Family Ministries agree together that the child is ready and prepared to give his or her testimony, only then is the child presented to the church family for baptism.